Web3.0 Composable vs. Layered Architecture

Good article on Web3.0 layered architecture 

The adoption of Artificial Intelligence into mainstream solutions is flourishing because they are "plugging" it into mainstream Web2.0 solutions.  It is a "composable" piece that just plugs in.  It does not require entire enterprise foundation to be rebuilt just to use the power of AI.


The Alternative: Composability

Over the past few years the Digital Commerce (Digital Experience) space has been going through a fundamental upheaval from traditional Web2.0 principles.  

The Composable Approach:  Shopify has a good overview, also Composable Digital Experience overview

The fundamental tenant behind this approach is not to force the entire enterprise to adopt one particular enterprise wide layered platform.  Each component is free to leverage the best technology for that component (Web 3.0 Composable Commerce).  

For example, a solution might leverage Web3.0 Blockchain NFT's Product and Catalog, but use standard Web2.0 Basket, Orders and Checkout with a fiat based payment component (web3store example).

It's actually a relatively simple concept that breaks down the barriers to Web3.0 adoption.

Using this approach a solution might choose to implement a simple product-catalogue built right on Ethereum main net while leveraging a Payments Component that incorporates both Fiat and multiple DeFi coins.  The Basket, Order and Checkout components could use a traditional flow or choose to incorporate Web3.0 marketplace offers and orders concept.

The power of this approach is that Business and User Experience requirements drive the approach and not artificial technical architecture constraints.



Unpacking all the reasons why the Web3.0 industry has gotten to this point is probably a good topic for a PhD dissertation.  Current economics and political landscape are forcing  the industry to take note and look for alternatives moving forward. 

Adopting composable principles, like mainstream Digital Commerce and AI have done, might be the very thing to unleash the power of Web3.0.