We have a simple thesis

Solution composability and metadata are foundational to Web3.0 Commerce.

We experiment with Web3.0 composability and metadata principles and find ways to embed these concepts into real world eCommerce solutions.

Web3.0: "Composable Commerce"
Brands are not interested in forcing their customers to a whole new online experience.  But, brands are interested in creating deeper connections that go beyond the initial online sale.  Composability provides for the blending of Web2.0 and Web3.0 technologies creating an enhanced overall digital experience. more    

Web3.0: "The Semantic Web"
Data semantics is at the heart of this journey.  The meaning and context of data is essential to the success of Web3.0.  It is fun to watch all the salacious headlines around AI and in particular the semantics of data feeding AI engines.  more

New Ways of Thinking

The future is now,  look at how Shopify is adopting Composable Commerce principles.  details

We are passionate about bringing innovative Web3.0 e-commerce solutions to the marketplace.  Aligning Web3.0 principles with your desired business outcomes is where we shine.

Things to ponder

Architectural principles to think about while building products

Innovation is a key component of any business today

Avoid Epic Failures through experimentation

Web3.0 Composable eCommerce Service

Current Web3.0 Tech Stack is huge barrier to adoption

Worlds are Colliding:  OGC, Metaverse, AR/VR, AI and Blockchain

SEARCH: Show me houses on a lake that are for sale in Littleton

RichCanvas Experiments

Web3.0 Commerce Ontology Experiment (started 7/8/2023 and ending 8/1/2023)

Web3.0 Commerce Ontology, Knowledge Base and Natural Language Search Engine Experiment (started 6/16/2023 and ending 7/20/2023)

Web3.0 GPT4 LLM Artificial Intelligence Experiment (completed 6/16/2023)

Web3.0 Composable Commerce Experiment (completed 5/30/2023)

NFT Collection Experiment (completed 4/1/2023)